New York
Hong Kong

Establishing my own legal consultancy company with a focus on strategic advice and recruitment was the logical next step for me. I felt my experiences in establishing law firm offices and practices in London was unique and I could apply those skills and experiences for the benefit of others.

Others often comment on the network I have built and the access I have to many of the leaders in the London legal market. I have also always had a real interest in the career development of lawyers at all levels. Blending these skills and bringing together a team at LTN who share a similar outlook offers both candidates and law firm clients a proposition that is different and hard for competitors to match.

I believe we understand both sides of the recruitment equation.  The right fit is paramount, and our job is to match candidates and firms. It must work for both, not just for now, but for the long term.  I think we are the only firm that actively looks to manage talent and develop career paths for our candidates. We are the only firm that can speak credibly to law firm leaders about their needs and how to use recruitment as a strategic tool. We work with candidates and their new firms in delivering on their identified business objectives. Our job does not stop when the candidate signs up.

This all fits neatly with the consultancy side of our business. We look to support firms in transition, who want to move their businesses forward quickly and intelligently. This is not just about recruitment but involves developing strategies and business plans to enable firms to move themselves to the next level.

One thing we have been hearing from both the law firms and their clients is that the clock is ticking on the need for tangible progress with diversity and social mobility initiatives. This means looking at your hiring from the bottom up and starts with trainee programmes. It also entails looking at your culture and being willing to open up your firm to fresh ideas. Lateral recruitment can play a significant role here.

When I’m not running around the City (no pun intended) I follow my beloved Manchester United. So far, my limited parenting of my three wonderful daughters has at least meant they share my allegiance. My wife, Janaki, takes the plaudits for all their other attributes.

Other partner recruitment team members

Tim Jeveons
Senior Consultant
Kathleen Harris
Associate Director
Adam Freeman
Senior Consultant
Robert Brackley-Burridge
Associate Director
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